Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT00075725-D2
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Dexamethasone and High-Dose Methotrexate Improve Outcome for Children and Young Adults With High-Risk B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Report From Children’s Oncology Group Study AALL0232
Description of Dataset:
There are 3 datasets associated with this publication: NCT00075725-D1, NCT00075725-D2, and NCT00075725-D3.
NCT00075725-D2 is the subset of patients included in the randomized comparison between Capizzi and High-dose Methotrexate. Outcomes (EFS time, EFS indicator) in this dataset are different from the outcomes in NCT00075725-D1. The outcome of those assigned to Capizzi who subsequently received High-dose Methotrexate was censored at time of therapy crossover, since in AALL0232, therapy changes were recommended to provide HD-MTX to all participants who had not yet completed maintenance course 1 or received cranial irradiation.
NCT00075725-D2 is the subset of patients included in the randomized comparison between Capizzi and High-dose Methotrexate. Outcomes (EFS time, EFS indicator) in this dataset are different from the outcomes in NCT00075725-D1. The outcome of those assigned to Capizzi who subsequently received High-dose Methotrexate was censored at time of therapy crossover, since in AALL0232, therapy changes were recommended to provide HD-MTX to all participants who had not yet completed maintenance course 1 or received cranial irradiation.
Data Dictionary:
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Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT00075725 |
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