Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT02003222 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
"A Phase III Randomized Trial of Blinatumomab for Newly Diagnosed BCR-ABL-Negative B Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adults"
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00381680 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
Intensive Treatment for Intermediate-Risk Relapse of Childhood B-Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): A Randomized Trial of Vincristine Strategies
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00381680-D1 | NCT00381680-D1: There is 1 dataset associated with the PMID 32001530. This dataset, NCT00381680-D1, provides the information presented in all tables, figures, and numbers in the manuscript. It includes all patients who enrolled on COG study AALL0433. There is one row for each patient enrolled. The data cutoff is 06/30/2018. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT02112916 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Lymphoma - Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Trial Title:
A Phase III Randomized Trial Investigating Bortezomib (NSC# 681239) on a Modified Augmented BFM (ABFM) Backbone in Newly Diagnosed T-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL) and T-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (T-LLy)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT02112916-D2 | NCT02112916-D2: There are two data submissions for PMID 35271306. This dataset, NCT02112916-D2, provides specific incidence of adverse events in interest, as presented in Supplemental Table 15 “Toxicity Comparison AALL1231 vs AALL0434” . It includes patients enrolled on COG study AALL1231 and AALL0434 who experienced targeted grade 3+ adverse events. The data cutoff is 09/30/2021. |
NCT02112916-D1 | NCT02112916-D1: There are two data submissions for PMID 35271306. This dataset, NCT02112916-D1, provides the information presented in all tables, figures, and numbers in the manuscript, except for Supplemental Table 15 . It includes all patients who enrolled on COG study AALL1231 and AALL0434. There is one row for each patient enrolled. The data cutoff is 09/30/2021. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT01190930 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Lymphoma - Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Trial Title:
Treatment of Patients with Newly Diagnosed Standard Risk B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL) or Localized B-lineage Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (B-LLy)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT01190930-D4 | NCT01190930-D4 Dataset Description: There are 2 data submissions (NCT01190930-D3, and -D4) for PMID 36966262. This dataset, NCT01190930-D4, provides the information of targeted adverse events presented in LR randomized patients by treatment arm in Supplementary Table 5. The data cutoff is 06/30/2019. |
NCT01190930-D3 | D3: NCT01190930-D3 Dataset Description: There are 2 data submissions (NCT01190930-D3, and -D4) for PMID 36966262. This dataset, NCT01190930-D3, provides the information presented in Figure 1 of consort diagram of patient enrollment, Table 1 of B-ALL Low-Risk patients and LR randomly assigned patients characteristics, and Figure 2 of Disease-free survival / Overall survival analysis. It provides information of events with sites of relapses for LR randomization arm, also information of favorable genetics of LR patients. There is one row for each patient enrolled. The data cutoff is 06/30/2019. |
NCT01190930-D2 | There are 2 data submissions (NCT01190930-D1, and -D2) for PMID 33411585. This dataset, NCT01190930-D2, contains information on targeted adverse event for Induction, AR Postinduction Premaintenance and AR Maintenance, and AR Maintenance by treatment arm presented in Tables A6 and A7. The data cutoff is 06/30/2019. |
NCT01190930-D1 | There are 2 data submissions (NCT01190930-D1, and -D2) for PMID 33411585. This dataset, NCT01190930-D1, contains the information on patient enrollment, patient characteristics, event-free survival/disease-free survival/overall survival analysis, cumulative incidence of relapse, SMN and death, induction death, induction failure, and sites of relapses by pulse frequency, oral methotrexate dose and AR maintenance arm presented in Figures 2, 3, 4, A1, A2, A3 and Tables 2, 3, A5. There is one row for each patient enrolled. The data cutoff is 06/30/2019. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00557193 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
A Phase III Study of Risk Directed Therapy for Infants with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): Randomization of Highest Risk Infants to Intensive Chemotherapy +/- FLT3 Inhibition (CEP-701, Lestaurtinib; IND#76431, NSC#617807)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00557193-D4 | D4: NCT00557193-D4 Dataset Description: There are 4 data submissions (NCT00557193-D1, -D2, -D3 and -D4) for PMID 33623141. This dataset, NCT00557193-D4, provides information of system organ class post-induction adverse events by treatment arm in supplemental Table 4. |
NCT00557193-D3 | D3: NCT00557193-D3 Dataset Description: There are 3 data submissions (NCT00557193-D1, -D2 and -D3) for PMID 33623141. This dataset, NCT00557193-D3, provides the information of system organ class adverse event by treatment arm in Table 2. |
NCT00557193-D2 | D2: NCT00557193-D2 Dataset Description: There are 3 data submissions (NCT00557193-D1, -D2 and -D3) for PMID 33623141. This dataset, NCT00557193-D2, provides the information of targeted adverse event by treatment arm in Table 2. |
NCT00557193-D1 | D1: NCT00557193-D1 Dataset Description: There are 3 data submissions (NCT00557193-D1, -D2 and -D3) for PMID 33623141. This dataset, NCT00557193-D1, provides the information for generating Figure 1 of consort diagram of patient enrollment, information for generating Table 1 of KMT2A patient characteristics, information for Event-free survival /Disease-free survival / Overall survival analysis, Cumulative incidence of treatment failure, relapse and death, including Figure 2, 3, 4 , Table 4 and “Remission induction and treatment failure by risk group” section. It provides the information of Table 3 of Disease-free Events (Treatment failure, Relapse, and Death). There is one row for each patient enrolled. The data cutoff is 03/31/2019. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT02101853 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
Risk-Stratified Randomized Phase III Testing of Blinatumomab (IND#117467, NSC#765986) in First Relapse of Childhood B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT02101853-D4 | NCT02101853-D4: There are a total of 2 datasets associated with the PubMed 37257143: NCT02101853-D3 through NCT02101853-D4. This dataset, NCT02101853-D4, is required for providing specific incidence of adverse events of interest. Adverse events (AE) that occurred with a grade of 3 or above at a frequency of 5% or greater in at least one course of interest for the patients in the primary analysis are included. There are multiple rows per patient depending on the number of courses administered. Each column corresponds to a single AE event, either any grade or grade 3 or above. Additional data from the high and intermediate risk cohorts presented in PMID 33651090 can be found in NCT02101853-D1 and NCT02101853-D2. |
NCT02101853-D3 | NCT02101853-D3: There are a total of 2 datasets associated with the PubMed 37257143: NCT02101853-D3 through NCT02101853-D4. This dataset, NCT02101853-D3, provides the information for the consort diagram, baseline characteristics, relapse status, MRD (minimal residual disease) negativity, adverse event status in each course of interest, and primary outcome for the patients on AALL1331 as reported in the manuscript. There is one row for each patient enrolled. Additional data from the high and intermediate risk cohorts presented in PMID 33651090 can be found in NCT02101853-D1 and NCT02101853-D2,. |
NCT02101853-D2 | NCT02101853-D2: There are a total of 2 datasets associated with the PubMed 33651090: NCT02101853-D1 through NCT02101853-D2. This dataset, NCT02101853-D2, is required for providing specific incidence of adverse events in interest. Adverse events that occurred with a grade of 3 or above at a frequency of 5% or greater in at least one course for the patients in the primary analysis are included. There are multiple rows per patient depending on the adverse events in interest that a patient had experienced. Each row corresponds to a single AE event. |
NCT02101853-D1 | NCT02101853-D1: There are a total of 2 datasets associated with the PubMed 33651090: NCT02101853-D1 through NCT02101853-D2. This dataset, NCT02101853-D1, provides the information of consort flow of patient enrollment, baseline characteristics, MRD (minimal residual disease) negativity, transplant status, adverse event status in each course, and primary outcome for the patients on AALL1331 as reported in the manuscript. There is one row for each patient enrolled. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00005596 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
ALinC 17: Protocol for Patients With Newly Diagnosed Standard Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): A Phase III Study
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
31728054-D2 | 31728054-D2: This is 1 of 2 datasets linked to PMID 31728054, an analysis of patients enrolled on POG-9904 and POG-9905, the low-risk and standard-risk cohorts of the POG-9900 classification trial. This dataset provides information on the primary outcome, treatment group, baseline characteristics, disease-free events, and minimal residual disease at the end of induction. |
31728054-D1 | 31728054-D1: This is 1 of 2 datasets linked to PMID 31728054, an analysis of patients enrolled on POG-9904 and POG-9905, the low-risk and standard-risk cohorts of the POG-9900 classification trial. This dataset provides the information for generating the consort diagram of patient enrollment. This dataset also includes limited data from patients enrolled on the high-risk cohort, POG-9906. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00005585 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
ALINC #17 Treatment for Patients With Low Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Pediatric Oncology Group Phase III Study
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
31728054-D2 | 31728054-D2: This is 1 of 2 datasets linked to PMID 31728054, an analysis of patients enrolled on POG-9904 and POG-9905, the low-risk and standard-risk cohorts of the POG-9900 classification trial. This dataset provides information on the primary outcome, treatment group, baseline characteristics, disease-free events, and minimal residual disease at the end of induction. |
31728054-D1 | 31728054-D1: This is 1 of 2 datasets linked to PMID 31728054, an analysis of patients enrolled on POG-9904 and POG-9905, the low-risk and standard-risk cohorts of the POG-9900 classification trial. This dataset provides the information for generating the consort diagram of patient enrollment. This dataset also includes limited data from patients enrolled on the high-risk cohort, POG-9906. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00103285 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
Standard Risk B-precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00103285-D5 | There are 5 data submissions (NCT00103285-D1, -D2, -D3, -D4, and -D5) for PMID 31825704. This dataset, NCT00103285-D5, provides the information of the grade 3 and 4 neutropenia, febrile neutropenia, and incidence of other infections reported in the “IC Does Not Improve Outcome in SR-Average B-ALL” section. |
NCT00103285-D4 | There are 5 data submissions (NCT00103285-D1, -D2, -D3, -D4, and -D5) for PMID 31825704. This dataset, NCT00103285-D4, provides the information of Table 3 of Disease-free Events (Relapse, SMN and Death) by refined Risk Groups. In addition, it provides the breakdown of non-relapse mortality during post-induction therapy reported in the “Non-relapse Mortality” section. |
NCT00103285-D3 | There are 5 data submissions (NCT00103285-D1, -D2, -D3, -D4, and -D5) for PMID 31825704. This dataset, NCT00103285-D3, provides the outcome information for Event-free survival /Disease-free survival / Overall survival analysis, including Figure 2, 3, 4 and Figure A1, A2. In addition, it provides overall cumulative incidence for isolated BM relapse, isolated CNS relapse and combined relapse reported in the “Overall Outcome” and “Patients with SR-High Disease Fare Well with Augmented BFM Therapy” section. |
NCT00103285-D2 | There are five data submissions (NCT00103285-D1, -D2, -D3, -D4, and -D5) for PMID 31825704. This dataset, NCT00103285-D2, provides the information for generating Table 2 of eligible patient characteristics. There is one row for each eligible patient. |
NCT00103285-D1 | There are five data submissions (NCT00103285-D1, -D2, -D3, -D4, and -D5) for PMID 31825704. This dataset, NCT00103285-D1, provides the information for generating Figure 1 of consort diagram of patient enrollment. There is one row for each patient enrolled. The data cutoff is 06/30/2017. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT02883049 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
A Phase III Randomized Trial for Newly Diagnosed High Risk B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL) Including a Stratum Evaluating Dasatinib (NSC#732517) in Patients With Ph-Like Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Sensitive Mutations
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT02883049-D3 | NCT02883049-D3-Dataset Description: There are three data submissions associated with PMID 30545921. This dataset provides the information for Disease-free survival analysis of data collected up to 12/31/2016. |
NCT02883049-D2 | NCT02883049-D2-Dataset Description: There are three data submissions associated with PMID 30545921. There is one row for each patient enrolled on AALL1131 VHR Control Arm and Experimental Arm 1. The dataset provides the primary outcome (DFS status and time), the information of treatment group, baseline characteristics, Disease-free Events (Relapse, SMN and Death) and the targeted toxicities in consolidation part 2 and delayed intensification part 2. It also provides the percent of bone marrow blasts and the minimum residual disease at the end of induction. There are 732 patients in the data file. Only Table 2 is based on these patients. DFS analysis, Tables 3, 4, 5A, 5B, and Figure 1 were done on the data of 723 patients with Induction_Failure = ’ None’. |
NCT02883049-D1 | NCT02883049-D1-Dataset Description: There are three data submissions associated with PMID 30545921. This dataset provides the information for generating the consort diagram of patient enrollment. It includes all patients who enrolled on AALL1131 up to 12/31/2017. |
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