
Dataset Information

Dataset ID: NCT02101853-D3
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Children’s Oncology Group AALL1331: Phase III Trial of Blinatumomab in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Low-Risk B-Cell ALL in First Relapse
Description of Dataset:
NCT02101853-D3: There are a total of 2 datasets associated with the PubMed 37257143: NCT02101853-D3 through NCT02101853-D4. This dataset, NCT02101853-D3,
provides the information for the consort diagram, baseline characteristics, relapse status, MRD (minimal residual disease) negativity, adverse event status in each course of interest, and primary outcome for the patients on AALL1331 as reported in the manuscript. There is one row for each patient enrolled. Additional data from the high and intermediate risk cohorts presented in PMID 33651090 can be found in NCT02101853-D1 and NCT02101853-D2,.
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