Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00075725 (
Disease Type:
- Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
High Risk B-Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00075725-D3 | There are three datasets associated with this publication (NCT00075725-D1, NCT00075725-D2, and NCT00075725-D3): NCT00075725-D3 is the toxicity data observed in the randomized cohorts (steroid and methotrexate). |
NCT00075725-D2 | There are 3 datasets associated with this publication: NCT00075725-D1, NCT00075725-D2, and NCT00075725-D3. NCT00075725-D2 is the subset of patients included in the randomized comparison between Capizzi and High-dose Methotrexate. Outcomes (EFS time, EFS indicator) in this dataset are different from the outcomes in NCT00075725-D1. The outcome of those assigned to Capizzi who subsequently received High-dose Methotrexate was censored at time of therapy crossover, since in AALL0232, therapy changes were recommended to provide HD-MTX to all participants who had not yet completed maintenance course 1 or received cranial irradiation. |
NCT00075725-D1 | There are three datasets associated with this publication (NCT00075725-D1, NCT00075725-D2, and NCT00075725-D3): NCT00075725-D1 includes all patients enrolled on the study. This dataset will allow users to reproduce overall outcomes for all patients, and randomized comparison of Prednisone and Dexamethasone for patients on trial NCT00075725. |
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