Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT00075725-D1
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Dexamethasone and High-Dose Methotrexate Improve Outcome for Children and Young Adults With High-Risk B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Report From Children’s Oncology Group Study AALL0232
Description of Dataset:
There are three datasets associated with this publication (NCT00075725-D1, NCT00075725-D2, and NCT00075725-D3):
NCT00075725-D1 includes all patients enrolled on the study. This dataset will allow users to reproduce overall outcomes for all patients, and randomized comparison of Prednisone and Dexamethasone for patients on trial NCT00075725.
NCT00075725-D1 includes all patients enrolled on the study. This dataset will allow users to reproduce overall outcomes for all patients, and randomized comparison of Prednisone and Dexamethasone for patients on trial NCT00075725.
Data Dictionary:
Submission includes new data:
Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT00075725 |
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