Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00335556 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney
- Kidney Neoplasm - Miscellaneous
- Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Kidney Neoplasm - Rhabdoid Tumor of the Kidney
- Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Trial Title:
Treatment of High Risk Renal Tumors: A Groupwide Phase II Study
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00002611 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Trial Title:
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00002611-D5 | There are five data submissions associated with PMID 30255545: NCT00002611-D1 through -D5. This dataset, NCT00002611-D5, is used to perform cox regressions on stage 2/3 NWTS 5 patients using prognostic factors. |
NCT00002611-D4 | There are five data submissions associated with PMID 30255545: NCT00002611-D1 through -D5. This dataset, NCT00002611-D4, is used to compare patient outcomes for NWTS 4 and 5 using NWTS 5 staging criteria. |
NCT00002611-D3 | There are five data submissions associated with PMID 30255545: NCT00002611-D1 through -D5. This dataset, NCT00002611-D3, is used to show how the cohort for the 108 NWTS-5 CCSK patients was obtained. |
NCT00002611-D2 | There are five data submissions associated with PMID 30255545: NCT00002611-D1 through -D5. This dataset, NCT00002611-D2, is used to create the EFS curves for NWTS 1-5 CCSK patients. |
NCT00002611-D1 | There are five data submissions associated with PMID 30255545: NCT00002611-D1 through -D5. This dataset, NCT00002611-D1, is used to create the main results of the NWTS 5 study. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00379340 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Trial Title:
Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Higher Risk Favorable Histology Wilms Tumors
Study ID:
Images are available?:
Imaging data can be requested via the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive. To view imaging data details before requesting data here, visit:
Is this a NCI-MATCH Trial?:
Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00379340-D4 | NCT00379340-D4 These data provide specific incidences of adverse events. “NCT00379340-D4” is necessary for recreating table A3 in the manuscript. Each row corresponds to a single Adverse Event. |
NCT00379340-D3 | NCT00379340-D3 These data provide specific incidences of adverse events. “NCT00379340-D3” is necessary for recreating table A2, each row corresponds to a single Adverse Event. |
NCT00379340-D2 | “NCT00379340-D2” is required for recreating the results of NWTS-5 as presented in the manuscript. Each row corresponds with the results for a single patient. The datasets also provide patient data necessary for recreating the experimental cohorts as well as characteristics of the initial disease, treatment, and outcomes. |
NCT00379340-D1 | “NCT00379340-D1” is required for recreating the main results of AREN0533 study. Each row corresponds with the results for a single patient. The datasets also provide patient data necessary for recreating the experimental cohorts as well as characteristics of the initial disease, treatment, and outcomes. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00945009 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Trial Title:
Treatment for Patients With Bilateral, Multicentric, or Bilaterally-Predisposed Unilateral Wilms Tumor
Study ID:
Images are available?:
Imaging data can be requested via the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive. To view imaging data details before requesting data here, visit:
Is this a NCI-MATCH Trial?:
Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00945009-D3 | NCT00945009-D3: There are two datasets associated with the PMID 32459384: NCT00945009-D2 through NCT00945009-D3. This dataset, NCT00945009-D3, contains the list of patients who were not excluded from the analysis. Each row corresponds to a single patient. |
NCT00945009-D2 | NCT00945009-D2: There are two datasets associated with the PMID 32459384: NCT00945009-D2 through NCT00945009-D3. This dataset, NCT00945009-D2, contains the results of the unilateral tumor arm of AREN0534 study. Each row corresponds with the results for a single patient. The datasets also provide patient data for the experimental cohorts as well as characteristics of the initial disease, treatment, and outcomes. |
NCT00945009-D1 | There is one dataset associated with this publication. This dataset is associated with the manuscript titled, “Results of the first Prospective Multi-Institutional Treatment Study in Children with Bilateral Wilms Tumor (AREN0534): A report from the Children's Oncology Group.” |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00352534 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Trial Title:
Treatment for Very Low and Standard Risk Favorable Histology Wilms Tumor
Study ID:
Images are available?:
Imaging data can be requested via the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive. To view imaging data details before requesting data here, visit:
Is this a NCI-MATCH Trial?:
Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00352534-D3 | NCT00352534-D3 This data provide primary outcome for the patients enrolled on NWTS-5 as reported in the manuscript. |
NCT00352534-D2 | NCT00352534-D2 There is one row for each patient enrolled. The dataset provides the information of consort flow of patient enrollment, baseline characteristics, grade of adverse events, tumor status, and primary outcome for the patients on AREN0532 as reported in the manuscript. |
NCT00352534-D1 | NCT00352534-D1 This dataset is associated with the manuscript titled, “Clinical Outcome and Biological Predictors of Relapse After Nephrectomy Only for Very Low-risk Wilms Tumor: A Report From Children's Oncology Group AREN0532.” |
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