Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00945009 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Trial Title:
Treatment for Patients With Bilateral, Multicentric, or Bilaterally-Predisposed Unilateral Wilms Tumor
Study ID:
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Imaging data can be requested via the NCTN/NCORP Data Archive. To view imaging data details before requesting data here, visit:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00945009-D3 | NCT00945009-D3: There are two datasets associated with the PMID 32459384: NCT00945009-D2 through NCT00945009-D3. This dataset, NCT00945009-D3, contains the list of patients who were not excluded from the analysis. Each row corresponds to a single patient. |
NCT00945009-D2 | NCT00945009-D2: There are two datasets associated with the PMID 32459384: NCT00945009-D2 through NCT00945009-D3. This dataset, NCT00945009-D2, contains the results of the unilateral tumor arm of AREN0534 study. Each row corresponds with the results for a single patient. The datasets also provide patient data for the experimental cohorts as well as characteristics of the initial disease, treatment, and outcomes. |
NCT00945009-D1 | There is one dataset associated with this publication. This dataset is associated with the manuscript titled, “Results of the first Prospective Multi-Institutional Treatment Study in Children with Bilateral Wilms Tumor (AREN0534): A report from the Children's Oncology Group.” |
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