
Dataset Information

Dataset ID: NCT00369785-D1
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Donepezil for Irradiated Brain Tumor Survivors: A Phase III Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Description of Dataset:
A total of 198 adult brain tumor survivors were randomly assigned to receive donepezil (5 mg for 6 weeks and 10 mg for 18 weeks) or placebo. Neurocognitive tests were assessed at baseline, 12 weeks post randomization, and 24 weeks post randomization. The primary aim of the study was to assess the effect of donepezil on a cognitive composite outcome (consisting of the average of eight standardized tests) at 24 weeks. A secondary aim was to assess the effect of donepezil on the individual tests. There was no significant effect of donepezil on the composite outcome. However, donepezil did significantly improve memory and motor speed/dexterity. This dataset contains all the data used in the publication PMID 25897156.
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