
Dataset Information

Dataset ID: NCT00309985-D10
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Chemohormonal Therapy in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer
Description of Dataset:
Data submissions NCT00309985-D7, -D8, -D9, and -D10 contain data that were collected on the trial, but not published. NCT00309985-D3 and -D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 26244877. Patients in the NCT00309985-D3, -D4, -D7, -D8, -D9, and -D10 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs.

Dataset NCT00309985-D10 contains unpublished data on year of randomization for each patient collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805.
Submission includes new data: