Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00309985 (
Disease Type:
- Reproductive System Neoplasm, Male - Prostate Cancer
Trial Title:
CHAARTED: ChemoHormonal Therapy Versus Androgen Ablation Randomized Trial for Extensive Disease in Prostate Cancer
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00309985-D14 | This dataset, NCT00309985-D14, contains gene expression data reported in PMID 34129855. Additional data analyzed in this publication can be found in NCT00309985-D3 (primary publication submission, PMID 26244877) and NCT00309985-D5 (the updated survival publication, PMID 29384722). |
NCT00309985-D13 | This dataset, NCT00309985-D13, contains unpublished data on fasting AM glucose and HDL that were collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. Data from this trial’s primary publication (PMID 26244877) can be found in NCT00309985-D3 and NCT00309985-D4. |
NCT00309985-D12 | Data submissions NCT00309985-D7, D8, D9, D11, and D12 contain data that were collected on the trial. NCT00309985-D3 and -D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 26244877. Patients in the NCT00309985-D3, D4, D7, D8, D9, D11, and D12 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. Dataset NCT00309985-D12 contains testosterone data collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. |
NCT00309985-D11 | Data submissions NCT00309985-D7, D8, D9, D11, and D12 contain data that were collected on the trial. NCT00309985-D3 and D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 26244877. Patients in the NCT00309985-D3, D4, D7, D8, D9, D11, and D12 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. Dataset NCT00309985-D11 contains more baseline data (including pathologic stage, PSA, prior treatments, etc) and non-protocol treatment data collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. |
NCT00309985-D10 | Data submissions NCT00309985-D7, -D8, -D9, and -D10 contain data that were collected on the trial, but not published. NCT00309985-D3 and -D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 26244877. Patients in the NCT00309985-D3, -D4, -D7, -D8, -D9, and -D10 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. Dataset NCT00309985-D10 contains unpublished data on year of randomization for each patient collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. |
NCT00309985-D9 | Data submissions NCT00309985-D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, and D12 contain data that were collected on the trial, but not published. NCT00309985-D3 and -D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 26244877. Patients in the NCT00309985-D3, D4, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, and D12 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. Dataset NCT00309985-D9 contains unpublished data on chemotherapy total dose collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. |
NCT00309985-D8 | Data submissions NCT00309985-D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, and D12 contain data that were collected on the trial, but not published. NCT00309985-D3 and -D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 26244877. Patients in the NCT00309985-D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, and D12 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. Dataset NCT00309985-D8 contains unpublished longitudinal PSA data collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. |
NCT00309985-D7 | Data submissions NCT00309985-D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, and D12 contain data that were collected on the trial, but not published. NCT00309985-D3 and -D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 26244877. Patients in the NCT00309985-D3, D4, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, and D12 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. Dataset NCT00309985-D7 contains unpublished baseline data (including prior treatments, patient characteristics and disease factors), treatment data, and PSA progression data collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. |
NCT00309985-D6 | There are two separate submissions for PMID 29384722, a publication analyzing the long-term follow-up of ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. This data submission, NCT00309985-D6, contains reasons for never starting protocol treatment. Data submission NCT00309985-D5 contains updated outcome data. Data from the trial's primary publication can be found in NCT00309985-D3 and -D4. The data contained within variables identical to those presented in NCT00309985-D3 are not duplicated in this submission. |
NCT00309985-D5 | There are two separate submissions for PMID 29384722, a publication analyzing the long-term follow-up of ECOG-ACRIN trial E3805. This data submission, NCT00309985-D5, contains updated outcome data. Data submission NCT00309985-D6 contains reasons for never starting protocol treatment. Data from the trial's primary publication can be found in NCT00309985-D3 and -D4. The data contained within variables identical to those presented in NCT00309985-D3 are not duplicated in this submission. |
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