Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT00499616-D4
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Defining Risk Factors for Chemotherapeutic Intervention in Infants With Stage 4S Neuroblastoma: A Report From Children’s Oncology Group Study ANBL0531
Description of Dataset:
There are five datasets associated with the publication:
NCT00499616-D1, NCT00499616-D2, NCT00499616-D3, NCT00499616-D4, NCT00499616-D5.
USI is the patient identifier in all datasets. Blanks and '.' represent missing data or not applicable for analyses. For various reasons, data may contain slight discrepancies from that reported in the publication.
NCT00499616-D4: Each row represents one intermediate risk stage 4S patient enrolled on ANBL0531 and the treatment they received.
NCT00499616-D1, NCT00499616-D2, NCT00499616-D3, NCT00499616-D4, NCT00499616-D5.
USI is the patient identifier in all datasets. Blanks and '.' represent missing data or not applicable for analyses. For various reasons, data may contain slight discrepancies from that reported in the publication.
NCT00499616-D4: Each row represents one intermediate risk stage 4S patient enrolled on ANBL0531 and the treatment they received.
Data Dictionary:
Submission includes new data:
Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT00499616 |
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