Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT00569127-D2
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Phase III Prospective Randomized Comparison Trial of Depot Octreotide Plus Interferon Alfa-2b Versus Depot Octreotide Plus Bevacizumab in Patients With Advanced Carcinoid Tumors: SWOG S0518
Description of Dataset:
This dataset will allow users to reproduce toxicity analyses reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (Yao et al., JCO, 2017, PMID referenced above), which included adverse events among patients with advanced NETs in the SWOG Phase III trial, S0518 (NCT00569127), receiving bevacizumab + octreotide or interferon alfa-2b + octreotide.
Data Dictionary:
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Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT00569127 |
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