Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT00785291-D3
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Randomized Phase III Trial of Paclitaxel Once Per Week Compared With Nanoparticle Albumin-Bound Nab-Paclitaxel Once Per Week or Ixabepilone With Bevacizumab As First-Line Chemotherapy for Locally Recurrent or Metastatic Breast Cancer: CALGB 40502/NCCTG N063H (Alliance)
Description of Dataset:
Dataset NCT00785291-D3-Dataset.csv (c40502_efficacy_all) is one of 3 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26056183. This dataset contains one record per patient enrolled (N=799). Efficacy analyses include only treated patients (N=783); use code treated=1 to identify. Comparisons of paclitaxel vs ixabepilone were limited to only patients randomized to the paclitaxel arm while the ixabepilone arm was open; use code pacsubset=1 to identify.
Data Dictionary:
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Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT00785291 |
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