Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT02339740-D2
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Assessment of Arsenic Trioxide and All-trans Retinoic Acid for the Treatment of Pediatric Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia A Report from the Children’s Oncology Group AAML1331 Trial
Description of Dataset:
NCT02339740-D2: There are 2 datasets associated with the PMID 34762093: NCT02339740-D1 through NCT02339740-D2. This dataset, NCT02339740-D2, is an adverse event level dataset (single row per adverse event, period, and patient) containing information of the adverse events of interest by period in the AAML1331 clinical trial. Data for this publication’s historical control, AAML0631, can be found in NCT00866918-D1 and NCT00866918-D2.
Data Dictionary:
Submission includes new data:
Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT02339740 |
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