Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT00072384-D4
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
A single-arm study of systemic and sub-Tenon chemotherapy for Groups C and D intraocular retinoblastoma: A Children’s Oncology Group study (ARET 0231)
Description of Dataset:
NCT00072384 - D4 Dataset Description:
NCT00072384 – D4 is one of 5 data submissions associated with PubMed ID 32589362. This dataset provides the information for the specific toxicities that occurred during protocol therapy. There is one row per patient/toxicity term.
NCT00072384 – D4 is one of 5 data submissions associated with PubMed ID 32589362. This dataset provides the information for the specific toxicities that occurred during protocol therapy. There is one row per patient/toxicity term.
Data Dictionary:
Submission includes new data:
Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT00072384 |
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