Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT00072384-D1
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
A single-arm study of systemic and sub-Tenon chemotherapy for Groups C and D intraocular retinoblastoma: A Children’s Oncology Group study (ARET 0231)
Description of Dataset:
NCT00072384 - D1 Dataset Description:
NCT00072384 - D1 is one of 5 data submissions associated with PubMed ID 32589362. This dataset provides the information for patients who were enrolled on ARET0231. There is one row for each patient enrolled. The dataset provides the information of baseline characteristics, eye stage from local and central review, outcome data and ocular toxicity on ARET0231 as reported in the manuscript. It is used to generate the Summary of Baseline Characteristics for eligible patients (Table 1), and the information in the beginning of Section 3 Results, Section 3.2 Patterns of intraocular recurrence, Section 3.3 Extraocular recurrence/deaths, and Section 3.4 Ocular toxicity.
NCT00072384 - D1 is one of 5 data submissions associated with PubMed ID 32589362. This dataset provides the information for patients who were enrolled on ARET0231. There is one row for each patient enrolled. The dataset provides the information of baseline characteristics, eye stage from local and central review, outcome data and ocular toxicity on ARET0231 as reported in the manuscript. It is used to generate the Summary of Baseline Characteristics for eligible patients (Table 1), and the information in the beginning of Section 3 Results, Section 3.2 Patterns of intraocular recurrence, Section 3.3 Extraocular recurrence/deaths, and Section 3.4 Ocular toxicity.
Data Dictionary:
Submission includes new data:
Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT00072384 |
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