Dataset Information
Dataset ID: NCT01371981-D4
PubMed ID (PMID):
Publication Title:
Bortezomib with standard chemotherapy for children with acute myeloid leukemia does not improve treatment outcomes: a report from the Children's Onoclogy Group
Description of Dataset:
NCT01371981 – D4 Dataset
As of April 2020, there is one dataset associated with this publication (PMID 32029509). The D4 dataset is a patient level dataset which contains patient characteristics, consort diagram classifications, toxicity and outcome analyses in the manuscript for eligible pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients enrolled on the AAML1031 clinical trial.
As of April 2020, there is one dataset associated with this publication (PMID 32029509). The D4 dataset is a patient level dataset which contains patient characteristics, consort diagram classifications, toxicity and outcome analyses in the manuscript for eligible pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients enrolled on the AAML1031 clinical trial.
Data Dictionary:
Submission includes new data:
Trials Linked to Dataset
NCT Trial Number | Disease Type |
NCT01371981 |
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