Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01503515 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Immune Disorder (excluding AIDS and malignancy) - Miscellaneous
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other
Trial Title:
A Phase III Open-Label Trial of Caspofungin vs. Azole Prophylaxis for Patients at High-Risk for Invasive Fungal Infections (IFI) Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01503515-D2 NCT01503515-D2: There are 2 datasets associated with PMID 33136159. This dataset, NCT01503515-D2, provides the information for the demographic baseline characteristics (Table 1), transplant baseline characteristics (Table 2), post-randomization factors (Table 3), cumulative incidence and other outcomes (Table 4 & Figure 2) and organisms causing the invasive fungal disease (Table 5). There is one row per patient. NCT01503515-D1 contains the data reported in the CONSORT diagram in the manuscript (Figure 1).
NCT01503515-D1 NCT01503515-D1: There are 2 datasets associated with PMID 33136159. This dataset, NCT01503515-D1, provides the information for the CONSORT diagram in the manuscript (Figure 1). Data provided for all enrolled patients (N=292). There is one row per patient. NCT01503515-D2 contains data on baseline characteristics, post-randomization factors, cumulative incidence, and organism details.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01817075 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm (excluding Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma) - Miscellaneous
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Solid Tumor
Trial Title:
Impact of Cleansing With Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) on Reducing Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) and Acquisition of Multi-drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO) in Children With Cancer or Those Receiving Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01817075-D5 NCT01817075-D5: There are 5 datasets associated with PMID 33079403. This dataset, NCT01817075-D5, provides organisms identified from positive blood cultures (Figure 3). The number of rows per patient is dependent on number of organisms submitted.
NCT01817075-D4 NCT01817075-D4: There are 5 datasets associated with PMID 33079403. This dataset, NCT01817075-D4, provides cutaneous adverse event information during the study period (Table 4 & Figure 4). The number of rows per patient is dependent on number of cutaneous adverse events submitted.
NCT01817075-D3 NCT01817075-D3: There are 5 datasets associated with PMID 33079403. This dataset, NCT01817075-D3, provides more detailed information on the cutaneous staphylococci isolates (as mentioned in the text of the manuscript). Data provided for all eligible and evaluable patients (N=174 patients) who submitted baseline and at least 1 follow-up swab (N=1046 swabs). The number of rows per patient is dependent on number of samples submitted.
NCT01817075-D2 NCT01817075-D2: There are 5 datasets associated with PMID 33079403. This dataset, NCT01817075-D2, provides the information for baseline characteristics (Table 1), all primary, secondary and post-hoc analyses (Table 2), general isolate data (Table 3), time to event analysis (Figure 2), Supporting Information (eTables 1-2) and other results reported in the manuscript. Data provided for all eligible patients (N=175) but the analysis is limited to all evaluable patients (N=174, CONSORT06≠Excluded in analysis). There is one row per patient.
NCT01817075-D1 NCT01817075-D1: There are 5 datasets associated with PMID 33079403. This dataset, NCT01817075-D1, provides the information for the consort diagram in the manuscript (Figure 1). Data provided for all enrolled patients (N=177). There is one row per patient.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT02054715 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other
Trial Title:
Evaluation of Psychoeducation for Cancer Patients Eligible for Clinical Trials
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT02054715-D1 This dataset from trial NCT02054715 contains patients' preparedness for decision making about clinical trials (via the Preparation for Decision Making Scale**), comparing Multimedia Psychoeducation (MP) and Print Education (PE) interventions. The results are documented in PubMed (PMID) 30291797.
** Bennett C, Graham ID, Kristjansson E, Kearing SA, Clay KF, O'Connor AM. Validation of a preparation for decision making scale. Patient education and counseling. 2010;78:130-133.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00397930 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other
Trial Title:
Yoga for Persistent Sleep Disturbance in Cancer Survivors
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00081250 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other
Trial Title:
Phase III Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Randomized Comparison of Creatine for Cancer-Associated Weight Loss
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00081250-D2 Dataset NCT00081250-D2-Dataset.csv (demo) is one of 2 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28475678. This dataset contains information that will allow you to reproduce the baseline characteristics table, primary analysis, and adverse event analysis.
NCT00081250-D1 Dataset NCT00081250-D1-Dataset.csv (qol) is one of 2 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28475678. This dataset contains information that will allow you to reproduce the primary analysis as well as other quality of life analyses.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00459134 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other
Trial Title:
A Randomized Study to Determine Whether ArginMax Improves the Sexual Function and Quality of Life in Female Cancer Survivors
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00459134-D1 This dataset contains all the data used in the publication cited above (PMID=26287032).
Baseline demographic and clinical variables are provided for time = 0 (baseline visit).
The primary outcome measures for the study are assessed at each time (0=baseline, 4=4 weeks, 8=8 weeks, and 12=12 weeks).
Summary measures that are calculated across the participant’s time on study (e.g., worst toxicities and compliance) are recorded on the time = 99 rows. Note that these are measures determined over the entire study period, not a specific time.
Notes: Missing data are denoted by a blank or a ‘.’ for each variable.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT02116530 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Carcinoma, Miscellaneous
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Other
Trial Title:
Olanzapine for the Prevention of Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) in Patients Receiving Highly Emetogenic Chemotherapy (HEC): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT02116530-D2 Dataset NCT02116530-D2-Dataset.csv (aedat) is one of 2 datasets associated with PubMed ID 27410922. This dataset contains information that will allow you to reproduce the adverse events analyses.

Due to cleaning efforts subsequent to the publication, the data contains some minor discrepancies from those reported in the manuscript.
NCT02116530-D1 Dataset NCT02116530-D1-Dataset.csv (master) is one of 2 datasets associated with PubMed ID 27410922. This dataset contains information that will allow you to reproduce the baseline characteristics table and primary analysis.