Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Metastases, Distant (excluding specified site of origin)


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00922974 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Metastases, Distant (excluding specified site of origin)
Trial Title:
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT02306161 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Metastases, Distant (excluding specified site of origin)
Trial Title:
Randomized Phase 3 Trial Evaluating the Addition of the IGF-1R Monoclonal Antibody Ganitumab (AMG 479, NSC# 750008) to Multiagent Chemotherapy for Patients With Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Ewing Sarcoma
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT02306161-D5 D5: There are 5 datasets associated with the PMID 36669140: NCT02306161-D1 through NCT02306161-D5. This dataset, NCT02306161-D5, provides the information on the crossover effect on OS in the supplemental materials. There is one row per patient and time-period prior to the discontinuation of ganitumab and after, if applicable, to reflect the time at risk before and after, discontinuation.
NCT02306161-D4 D4: There are 5 datasets associated with the PMID 36669140: NCT02306161-D1 through NCT02306161-D5. This dataset, NCT02306161-D4, provides the information on the crossover effect on EFS in the supplemental materials. There is one row per patient and time-period prior to the discontinuation of ganitumab and after, if applicable, to reflect the time at risk before and after, discontinuation.
NCT02306161-D3 D3: There are 5 datasets associated with the PMID 36669140: NCT02306161-D1 through NCT02306161-D5. This dataset, NCT02306161-D3, provides the information for supplemental table A5: ganitumab serum concentrations for the first ten patients with metastatic Ewing sarcoma. There is one row per patient and time point where a serum ganitumab concentration was measured with result.
NCT02306161-D2 D2: There are 5 datasets associated with the PMID 36669140: NCT02306161-D1 through NCT02306161-D5. This dataset, NCT02306161-D2, provides the information for table 2: toxicity incidence (non-hematologic toxicities occurring in 10% or greater fraction of patients and toxicities of interest regardless of incidence). There is a row per patient, toxicity term, grade, and experienced-toxicity (yes or no).
NCT02306161-D1 D1: There are 5 datasets associated with the PMID 36669140: NCT02306161-D1 through NCT02306161-D5. This dataset, NCT02306161-D1, provides the information for the CONSORT diagram, text of the document, table 1: patient characteristics, figure 3: Kaplan-Meier curves, supplemental table A1: sites of metastasis, supplemental table A2: mode of primary site local control, and the estimates in supplemental tables A3 and A4: EFS and cumulative incidence of first progression, respectively. There is one row per patient.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT02360215 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Metastases, Distant (excluding specified site of origin)
Trial Title:
A Randomized Phase III Trial of Memantine and Whole-Brain Radiotherapy With or Without Hippocampal Avoidance in Patients With Brain Metastases
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT02360215-D2 This dataset contains toxicity data from trial NCT02360215 to reproduce the results in the primary publication (PubMed ID 32058845). Dataset NCT02360215-D1 contains baseline, treatment, efficacy, and health-related quality of life data for this publication.
NCT02360215-D1 This dataset contains baseline, treatment, efficacy, and health-related quality of life data from trial NCT02360215 to reproduce the results in the primary publication (PubMed ID 32058845). Dataset NCT02360215-D2 contains toxicity data for this publication.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01372774 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Metastases, Distant (excluding specified site of origin)
Trial Title:
A Phase III Trial of Post-Surgical Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) Compared With Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) for Resected Metastatic Brain Disease
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01372774-D5 Dataset NCT01372774-D5-Dataset.csv (aedata) is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28687377. This dataset includes multiple records for each patient that experienced at least one adverse event. There are 582 records for 150 patients. Included is the maximum adverse event grade experienced over the course of study therapy.
NCT01372774-D4 Dataset NCT01372774-D4-Dataset.csv (qoldata) is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28687377. This dataset includes one record per patient for QOL Scores at different time points.
NCT01372774-D3 Dataset NCT01372774-D3-Dataset.csv (cogdata) is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28687377. This dataset includes one record per patient for Cognitive Scores per timepoint available. 191 randomized patients have at least one evaluation. There are 605 records in this data set.
NCT01372774-D2 Dataset NCT01372774-D2-Dataset.csv (barthel) is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28687377. This dataset contains Barthel Functional Index scores for each timepoint available.
NCT01372774-D1 Dataset NCT01372774-D1-Dataset.csv (baseline) is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28687377. This dataset contains information that will allow you to reproduce the baseline characteristics table and time to event analyses.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00377156 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Metastases, Distant (excluding specified site of origin)
Trial Title:
Phase III Randomized Trial of the Role of Whole Brain Radiation Therapy in Addition to Radiosurgery in Patients With One to Three Cerebral Metastases
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00377156-D5 The NCT00377156- D5 (AE3PLUS) dataset is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 27458945. This dataset includes multiple records for each patient that experienced at least one grade 3 or higher adverse event. There are 282 records for 90 patients. Included is the maximum adverse event grade experienced over the course of the study. Includes all grade 3 or higher adverse events reported, regardless of attribution to study treatment.
Note: only grade 3 or higher CNS necrosis are included in this dataset.
NCT00377156-D4 The NCT00377156- D4 (LTSURV) dataset is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 27458945. This dataset includes multiple records per patient for Cognitive Scores and QOL Scores: at 3-months, 6-months, 9-months, 12-months, and 15-months. A long-term survivor is a patient that has a baseline cognitive evaluation and at least one evaluation that was completed 365 days or more later.

Note: The study team decided to provide data available for all patients, not only long-term survivors.
NCT00377156-D3 The NCT00377156-D3 (QOLDATA) dataset is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 27458945. This dataset includes one record per patient for QOL Scores at 3-month, 6-month, and 9-month evaluations. Baseline values for QOL data are included in NCT00377156-D1 (BASE) dataset.
NCT00377156-D2 The NCT00377156-D2 (NCOG3MO) dataset is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 27458945. This dataset includes one record per patient for Cognitive Scores 3-month only. Includes only patients evaluable for primary endpoint (N = 111).
NCT00377156-D1 The NCT00377156-D1 (BASE) dataset is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 27458945. This dataset provides information on patient evaluability, baseline demographics, stratification factors, baseline QOL measures, baseline cognitive scores, and intracranial (brain) tumor progression and survival status and time. There is one observation per patient accrued to this study (N=213).

Due to data cleaning efforts subsequent to publication, data may contain slight discrepancies from that reported in Table 1 and Figure1.