Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT03055013 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
Trial Title:
"A Phase 3 RandOmized Study Comparing PERioperative Nivolumab vs. Observation in Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma Undergoing Nephrectomy (PROSPER RCC)"
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT01575548 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
Trial Title:
"Randomized, Double-Blind Phase III Study of Pazopanib vs. Placebo in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Who Have No Evidence of Disease Following Metastatectomy"
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT01120249 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
Trial Title:
EVEREST: EVErolimus for Renal Cancer Ensuing Surgical Therapy, A Phase III Study
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT01120249-D2 | This dataset contains the results reported in The Lancet (Ryan et al., The Lancet, 2023). The toxicity dataset contains event-level information (one row per patient per adverse event experience on trial). NCT01120249-D1 contains baseline information and outcome data. |
NCT01120249-D1 | This dataset contains the results reported in The Lancet (Ryan et al., The Lancet, 2023). The clinical dataset contains patient-level data (one row per patient), including, eligibility, evaluability, treatment, demographic, baseline information, and unblinding. It also contains assessment data. NCT01120249-D2 contains toxicity data. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00335556 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney
- Kidney Neoplasm - Miscellaneous
- Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Kidney Neoplasm - Rhabdoid Tumor of the Kidney
- Kidney Neoplasm - Wilms Tumor
Trial Title:
Treatment of High Risk Renal Tumors: A Groupwide Phase II Study
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00072046 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
Trial Title:
A Randomized Phase III Trial Of Interferon Alfa-2B Or Interferon Alfa-2B Plus Bevacizumab In Patients With Advanced Renal Carcinoma
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00326898 (
Disease Type:
- Kidney Neoplasm - Renal Cell Carcinoma
Trial Title:
ASSURE: Adjuvant Sorafenib or Sunitinib for Unfavorable Renal Carcinoma
Study ID:
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Is this a NCI-MATCH Trial?:
Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00326898-D9 | This dataset, NCT00326898-D9, contains toxicity data (by cycle) on hypertension, diarrhea, hand-foot reaction, and/or rash/desquamation while on treatment for E2805 study. NCT00326898-D8 contains information on the time interval from randomization to treatment start date, treatment dose and reasons for dose modification by cycle. Data in both NCT00326898-D8 and -D9 datasets were collected on the trial but not published. Patients in the NCT00326898-D3, -D4, -D8, and –D9 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. |
NCT00326898-D8 | This dataset, NCT00326898-D8, contains information on the time interval from randomization to treatment start date, treatment dose and reasons for dose modification by cycle. NCT00326898-D9 contains toxicity data (by cycle) on hypertension, diarrhea, hand-foot reaction, and/or rash/desquamation while on treatment for E2805 study. Data in both NCT00326898-D8 and -D9 datasets were collected on the trial but not published. Patients in the NCT00326898-D3, -D4, -D8, and –D9 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. |
NCT00326898-D7 | This dataset, NCT00326898-D7, contains information (the time interval from nephrectomy to randomisation, cause of death, histology components, and clarification about what sites the “other” and “other organs” include for sites of recurrence) collected on the trial but not published. NCT00326898-D5 contains data from E2805’s secondary publication, PMID 30130544. Both NCT00326898-D5 and NCT00326898-D7 datasets together provide updated, complete information on sites of recurrence. Patients in the NCT00326898-D5 and –D7 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. |
NCT00326898-D5 | This dataset, NCT00326898-D5, contains the analysis data published in PMID 30130544, a publication focusing on the nonccRCC subgroup of ECOG-ACRIN trial E2805. Variables reported in this publication such as age, sex, treatment arm, histology are identical to those presented in NCT00326898-D3 (for the trial’s primary publication, PMID 26969090) and are thus not duplicated in this submission. NCT00326898-D7 contains information collected on the trial but not published. NCT00326898-D5 can be used together with NCT00326898-D7 datasets to obtain updated, complete information on sites of recurrence. Patients in the NCT00326898-D5 and –D7 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs. |
NCT00326898-D4 | As of November 6, 2017, there are four different datasets available for NCT00326898. This is NCT00326898-D4. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D3 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00326898-D2 and NCT00326898-D4 each contain the same toxicity data. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D2 were the original two submissions. NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 updated the original data submissions to include a new blinded ID that will allow for the future linking to non-clinical data (e.g., genomic data). Other than the IDs, the datasets are identical. We recommend that NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 be used. |
NCT00326898-D3 | As of November 6, 2017, there are four different datasets available for NCT00326898. This is NCT00326898-D3. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D3 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00326898-D2 and NCT00326898-D4 each contain the same toxicity data. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D2 were the original two submissions. NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 updated the original data submissions to include a new blinded ID that will allow for the future linking to non-clinical data (e.g., genomic data). Other than the IDs, the datasets are identical. We recommend that NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 be used. |
NCT00326898-D2 | As of November 6, 2017, there are four different datasets available for NCT00326898. This is NCT00326898-D2. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D3 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00326898-D2 and NCT00326898-D4 each contain the same toxicity data. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D2 were the original two submissions. NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 updated the original data submissions to include a new blinded ID that will allow for the future linking to non-clinical data (e.g., genomic data). Other than the IDs, the datasets are identical. We recommend that NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 be used. |
NCT00326898-D1 | As of November 6, 2017, there are four different datasets available for NCT00326898. This is NCT00326898-D1. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D3 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00326898-D2 and NCT00326898-D4 each contain the same toxicity data. NCT00326898-D1 and NCT00326898-D2 were the original two submissions. NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 updated the original data submissions to include a new blinded ID that will allow for the future linking to non-clinical data (e.g., genomic data). Other than the IDs, the datasets are identical. We recommend that NCT00326898-D3 and NCT00326898-D4 be used. |
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