Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT06351371 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Lymphoma - Miscellaneous
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Solid Tumor
Trial Title:
MATCH Treatment Subprotocol K2: Phase 2 Study of Erdafitinib (JNJ-42756493) in Patients With Tumors With FGFR Mutations or Fusions
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT06308822 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Lymphoma - Miscellaneous
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Solid Tumor
Trial Title:
MATCH Treatment Subprotocol K1: Phase 2 Study of JNJ-42756493 (Erdafitinib) in Patients With Tumors With FGFR Amplifications
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT04439123 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Lymphoma - Miscellaneous
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Solid Tumor
Trial Title:
MATCH Treatment Subprotocol Y: AZD5363 in Patients With Tumors With AKT Mutations
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT05490771 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Lymphoma - Miscellaneous
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
  • Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Solid Tumor
Trial Title:
Phase II Study of Copanlisib in Patients With Tumors With PIK3CA Mutations (PTEN Loss Allowed)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01169337 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
Trial Title:
Randomized Phase III Trial of Lenalidomide Versus Observation Alone in Patients With Asymptomatic High-Risk Smoldering Multiple Myeloma
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01169337-D5 There are five submissions for PMID 31652094. This dataset, NCT01169337-D5, contains data on basis of progression. Dataset NCT01169337-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01169337-D2 contains treatment dosage. Dataset NCT01169337-D3 contains post-baseline toxicities. Dataset NCT01169337-D4 contains patient-reported outcome quality of life data.
NCT01169337-D4 There are five submissions for PMID 31652094. This dataset, NCT01169337-D4, contains patient-reported outcome quality of life data. Dataset NCT01169337-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01169337-D2 contains treatment dosage. Dataset NCT01169337-D3 contains post-baseline toxicities. Dataset NCT01169337-D5 contains data on basis of progression.
NCT01169337-D3 There are five submissions for PMID 31652094. This dataset, NCT01169337-D3 contains post-baseline toxicities. Dataset NCT01169337-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01169337-D2 contains treatment dosage. Dataset NCT01169337-D4 contains patient-reported outcome quality of life data. Dataset NCT01169337-D5 contains data on basis of progression.
NCT01169337-D2 There are five submissions for PMID 31652094. This dataset, NCT01169337-D2, contains treatment dosage. Dataset NCT01169337-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01169337-D3 contains post-baseline toxicities. Dataset NCT01169337-D4 contains patient-reported outcome quality of life data. Dataset NCT01169337-D5 contains data on basis of progression.
NCT01169337-D1 There are five submissions for PMID 31652094. This dataset, NCT01169337-D1, contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01169337-D2 contains treatment dosage. Dataset NCT01169337-D3 contains post-baseline toxicities. Dataset NCT01169337-D4 contains patient-reported outcome quality of life data. Dataset NCT01169337-D5 contains data on basis of progression.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01863550 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
Trial Title:
Randomized Phase III Trial of Bortezomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone (VRd) Versus Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone (CRd) Followed by Limited or Indefinite Duration Lenalidomide Maintenance in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Symptomatic Multiple Myeloma (ENDURANCE)
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01863550-D8 This dataset, NCT01863550-D8, contains unpublished data on site enrollment, non-protocol therapy (NPT) status, time to NPT, and a new definition of progression-free survival that were collected on ECOG-ACRIN trial E1A11. Data from this trial’s primary publication (PMID 32866432) can be found in NCT01863550-D1 to NCT01863550-D7. Patients in all these data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs.
NCT01863550-D7 There are seven different submissions for PMID 32866432 from trial E1A11. This dataset, NCT01863550-D7, contains patients reported quality-of-life data. Dataset NCT01863550-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01863550-D2 contains treatment dose by cycle. Dataset NCT01863550-D3 contains information related to first dose modification. Dataset NCT01863550-D4 contains toxicity data reported by case report forms. Dataset NCT01863550-D5 contains adverse events submitted via expedited reporting. Dataset NCT01863550-D6 contains secondary primary cancers.
NCT01863550-D6 There are seven different submissions for PMID 32866432 from trial E1A11. This dataset, NCT01863550-D6, contains secondary primary cancers. Dataset NCT01863550-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01863550-D2 contains treatment dose by cycle. Dataset NCT01863550-D3 contains information related to first dose modification. Dataset NCT01863550-D4 contains toxicity data reported by case report forms. Dataset NCT01863550-D5 contains adverse events submitted via expedited reporting. Dataset NCT01863550-D7 contains patients reported quality-of-life data.
NCT01863550-D5 There are seven different submissions for PMID 32866432 from trial E1A11. This dataset, NCT01863550-D5, contains adverse events submitted via expedited reporting. Dataset NCT01863550-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01863550-D2 contains treatment dose by cycle. Dataset NCT01863550-D3 contains information related to first dose modification. Dataset NCT01863550-D4 contains toxicity data reported by case report forms. Dataset NCT01863550-D6 contains secondary primary cancers. Dataset NCT01863550-D7 contains patients reported quality-of-life data.
NCT01863550-D4 There are seven different submissions for PMID 32866432 from trial E1A11. This dataset, NCT01863550-D4, contains toxicity data reported by case report forms. Dataset NCT01863550-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01863550-D2 contains treatment dose by cycle. Dataset NCT01863550-D3 contains information related to first dose modification. Dataset NCT01863550-D5 contains adverse events submitted via expedited reporting. Dataset NCT01863550-D6 contains secondary primary cancers. Dataset NCT01863550-D7 contains patients reported quality-of-life data.
NCT01863550-D3 There are seven different submissions for PMID 32866432 from trial E1A11. This dataset, NCT01863550-D3, contains information related to first dose modification. Dataset NCT01863550-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01863550-D2 contains treatment dose by cycle. Dataset NCT01863550-D4 contains toxicity data reported by case report forms. Dataset NCT01863550-D5 contains adverse events submitted via expedited reporting. Dataset NCT01863550-D6 contains secondary primary cancers. Dataset NCT01863550-D7 contains patients reported quality-of-life data.
NCT01863550-D2 There are seven different submissions for PMID 32866432 from trial E1A11. This dataset, NCT01863550-D2 contains treatment dose by cycle. Dataset NCT01863550-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01863550-D3 contains information related to first dose modification. Dataset NCT01863550-D4 contains toxicity data reported by case report forms. Dataset NCT01863550-D5 contains adverse events submitted via expedited reporting. Dataset NCT01863550-D6 contains secondary primary cancers. Dataset NCT01863550-D7 contains patients reported quality-of-life data.
NCT01863550-D1 There are seven different submissions for PMID 32866432 from trial E1A11. This dataset, NCT01863550-D1, contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT01863550-D2 contains treatment dose by cycle. Dataset NCT01863550-D3 contains information related to first dose modification. Dataset NCT01863550-D4 contains toxicity data reported by case report forms. Dataset NCT01863550-D5 contains adverse events submitted via expedited reporting. Dataset NCT01863550-D6 contains secondary primary cancers. Dataset NCT01863550-D7 contains patients reported quality-of-life data.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00869206 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Breast Neoplasm - Miscellaneous
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
  • Reproductive System Neoplasm, Male - Prostate Cancer
Trial Title:
A Randomized, Phase III Study of Standard Dosing Versus Longer Dosing Interval of Zoledronic Acid in Metastatic Cancer
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00869206-D10 Dataset NCT00869206-D10-Dataset.csv (delay) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information for the adherence to treatment by group.
NCT00869206-D9 Dataset NCT00869206-D9-Dataset.csv (incsre) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information for the types of skeletal-related events by treatment group.
NCT00869206-D8 Dataset NCT00869206-D8-Dataset.csv (bonedems1) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information for the baseline characteristics table for C-telopeptide companion study.
NCT00869206-D7 Dataset NCT00869206-D7-Dataset.csv (renal) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information for the osteonecrosis of the jaw, kidney dysfunction, and skeletal morbidity rate secondary endpoints. There is a difference in our SRE follow-up time to what was in the manuscript due to updated data.
NCT00869206-D6 Dataset NCT00869206-D6-Dataset.csv (pscmh) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information for the Performance status secondary endpoint and supplemental figure.
NCT00869206-D5 Dataset NCT00869206-D5-Dataset.csv (bpigrowth) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information for the BPI Secondary Endpoints and the supplemental figures.
NCT00869206-D4 Dataset NCT00869206-D4-Dataset.csv (master_bone) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains the information in the figure of Mean C-Telopeptide levels by treatment group at each week.
NCT00869206-D3 Dataset NCT00869206-D3-Dataset.csv (ske_events) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information for the skeletal-related events by disease site and cause-specific cumulative incidence of skeletal-related events. There are differences in the numbers that produced the CIF graph due to updated data. Specifically, the data for the time variable (sre_mos) and number of patient deaths (OF001 in D1 dataset = “Death on Study”) provided in this submission are the correct data and will not match the publication exactly.
NCT00869206-D2 Dataset NCT00869206-D2-Dataset.csv (patchar) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information in the baseline characteristics table.
NCT00869206-D1 Dataset NCT00869206-D1-Dataset.csv (consort) is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 28030702. This dataset contains information in the Consort Diagram.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00644228 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
Trial Title:
A Randomized Phase III Trial of CC-5013 (Lenalidomide, NSC-703813) and Low Dose Dexamethasone (LLD) Versus Bortezomib (PS-341, NSC-681239), Lenalidomide and Low Dose Dexamethasone (BLLD) for Induction, in Patients With Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma Without an Intent for Immediate Autologous Stem Cell Transplant
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00644228-D2 The dataset NCT00644228-D2-Dataset.csv will allow users to reproduce safety analyses included in the aforementioned publication, which compared toxicity between bortezomib, lenalidomide and low dose dexamethasone versus lenalidomide and low dose dexamethasone induction therapy for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma in the SWOG phase III trial, S0777.
NCT00644228-D1 The dataset NCT00644228-D1-Dataset.csv will allow users to reproduce efficacy analyses included in the aforementioned publication, which included primary and secondary efficacy results evaluating the addition of bortezomib to lenalidomide and low dose dexamethasone induction therapy for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma in the SWOG phase III trial, S0777.


Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00602641 (ClinicalTrials.gov)
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Myeloma - Myeloma
Trial Title:
An Intergroup Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Melphalan, Prednisone and Thalidomide (MPT) Versus Melphalan, Prednisone and Lenalidomide (Revlimid™) (MPR) in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients Who Are Not Candidates for High-Dose Therapy
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00602641-D3 There are three different submissions (each for one dataset) for trial NCT00602641. This data submission, NCT00602641-D3, contains toxicity data. The other two data submissions, NCT00602641-D1 and NCT00602641-D2, contain clinical data together with QOL data and data for treatment dose, respectively.
NCT00602641-D2 There are three different submissions (each for one dataset) for trial NCT00602641. This data submission, NCT00602641-D2, contains data for treatment dose. The other two data submissions, NCT00602641-D1 and NCT00602641-D3, contain clinical data together with QOL data and toxicity data, respectively.
NCT00602641-D1 There are three different submissions (each for one dataset) for trial NCT00602641. This data submission, NCT00602641-D1, contains clinical data together with QOL data. The other two data submissions, NCT00602641-D2 and NCT00602641-D3, contain data for treatment dose and toxicity, respectively.