Germ Cell Neoplasm - Miscellaneous
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00053352 (
Disease Type:
- Germ Cell Neoplasm - Extragonadal Germ Cell Cancer (excluding Gestational Trophoblastic Disease and Germ Cell Tumors of the CNS)
- Germ Cell Neoplasm - Miscellaneous
- Germ Cell Neoplasm - Ovarian Germ Cell Cancer
- Germ Cell Neoplasm - Testicular Germ Cell Cancer
Trial Title:
A Phase III Study Of Reduced Therapy In The Treatment Of Children With Low And Intermediate Risk Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00053352-D5 | NCT00053352-D5 The dataset provides the information for baseline characteristics and event-free and overall survival for all eligible patients as well as by the different subgroups reported in the manuscript. There is one row per patient. |
NCT00053352-D4 | NCT00053352-D4 Adverse events. The dataset provides the information for the specific toxicities that occurred during induction and consolidation as reported in the manuscript. There are multiple rows per patient depending on whether they had multiple courses or Adverse events submitted. |
NCT00053352-D3 | NCT00053352-D3 Historical Control. The dataset provides the information for event-free survival for all eligible historical control patients. It contains all the characteristics needed to do the different subgroup analyses reported in the manuscript. There is one row per patient. |
NCT00053352-D2 | NCT00053352-D2 The dataset provides the information for baseline characteristics and event-free and overall survival for all eligible patients as well as by the different subgroups reported in the manuscript. There is one row per patient. |
NCT00053352-D1 | NCT00053352-D1 The dataset provides the information for the consort diagram (Figure 1). There is one row per patient. |
Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00716976 (
Disease Type:
- Bone Neoplasm - Osteosarcoma
- CNS Neoplasm (Primary Tumor) - Embryonal Tumors
- CNS-excluded Nervous System Neoplasm and Disorder - Neuroblastoma
- Gastrointestinal Neoplasm - Liver and Hepatobiliary Cancer
- Germ Cell Neoplasm - Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous Neoplasm - Solid Tumor
Trial Title:
A Randomized Phase III Study of Sodium Thiosulfate for the Prevention of Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity in Children
Study ID:
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Is this a NCI-MATCH Trial?:
Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00716976-D3 | NCT00716976-D3 One row for each of the 194 serious adverse events detailed on manuscript page 69. These events are reported through the National Cancer Institute, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, Adverse Event Reporting System (CTEP-AERS). |
NCT00716976-D2 | NCT00716976-D2 These data provide the incidence of toxicities. There is one record per patient-cycle. analysiset2=1 for rows included in Table 3 construction. analysiset3=1 for rows included in Table 4 construction. |
NCT00716976-D1 | NCT00716976-D1 There is one row for each patient enrolled. The first 14 variables are used to make Figure 1. Patients considered for analysis of study outcomes have the variable analysiset1=1. Variables 15-50 provide patient characteristics (Table 1), outcome (Figures 2 and 3) and hearing loss comparisons (Table 2). |
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