
Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT02883049 (
Disease Type:
  • Hematopoietic Neoplasm/Leukemia - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Trial Title:
A Phase III Randomized Trial for Newly Diagnosed High Risk B-Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL) Including a Stratum Evaluating Dasatinib (NSC#732517) in Patients With Ph-Like Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Sensitive Mutations
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT02883049-D3 NCT02883049-D3-Dataset Description:
There are three data submissions associated with PMID 30545921. This dataset provides the information for Disease-free survival analysis of data collected up to 12/31/2016.
NCT02883049-D2 NCT02883049-D2-Dataset Description:
There are three data submissions associated with PMID 30545921. There is one row for each patient enrolled on AALL1131 VHR Control Arm and Experimental Arm 1. The dataset provides the primary outcome (DFS status and time), the information of treatment group, baseline characteristics, Disease-free Events (Relapse, SMN and Death) and the targeted toxicities in consolidation part 2 and delayed intensification part 2. It also provides the percent of bone marrow blasts and the minimum residual disease at the end of induction.
There are 732 patients in the data file. Only Table 2 is based on these patients. DFS analysis, Tables 3, 4, 5A, 5B, and Figure 1 were done on the data of 723 patients with Induction_Failure = ’ None’.
NCT02883049-D1 NCT02883049-D1-Dataset Description:
There are three data submissions associated with PMID 30545921. This dataset provides the information for generating the consort diagram of patient enrollment. It includes all patients who enrolled on AALL1131 up to 12/31/2017.