
Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00433511 (
Disease Type:
  • Breast Neoplasm - Breast Cancer (Invasive)
Trial Title:
A Double-Blind Phase III Trial of Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Paclitaxel With Bevacizumab or Placebo in Patients With Lymph Node Positive and High Risk Lymph Node Negative Breast Cancer
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00433511-D6 This dataset, NCT00433511-D6, contains the analysis data published in PMID 24584876, a publication focusing on a subgroup of patients from ECOG-ACRIN trial E5103 (women who were premenopausal at enrollment, responded to the 12-month survey, had not undergone bilateral oophorectomy or ovarian function suppression before that survey, and had serum banked for research before chemotherapy). Data that are identical to those presented in NCT00433511-D1 (for the trial’s primary publication, PMID 30040523) are not duplicated here in this submission for NCT00433511-D6.
NCT00433511-D5 Dataset NCT00433511-D5 contains data on time to local-regional recurrence and time to distant recurrence that were collected on the trial, but not published. NCT00433511-D1, D2, and -D4 contain data from E3805’s primary publication, PMID 30040523. Patients in the NCT00309985-D1, -D2 -D4, and -D5 data submissions have the same deidentified patient IDs.
NCT00433511-D4 There are four submissions for PMID 30040523 (trial NCT00433511). This dataset, NCT00433511-D4, contains updated variables ttchf, ttbev, and os that have undergone further data cleaning from those in Dataset NCT00433511-D1 which corresponds to data used to generate the results for PMID 30040523. Dataset NCT00433511-D2 contains toxicity data. Dataset NCT00433511-D5 contains data on time to local-regional recurrence and time to distant recurrence that were collected on the trial, but not published.
NCT00433511-D3 This data submission, NCT00433511-D3, contains the data used to generate the results in PubMed ID PMID: 30054636; PMCID: PMC6385891, a non-primary publication from trial NCT00433511.
Data that are identical to those presented in NCT00433511-D1 (for the trial's primary publication, PMID 30040523) are not duplicated here in this submission for NCT00433511-D3.
NCT00433511-D2 There are four submissions (each with one dataset) for PMID 30040523 (trial NCT00433511). This dataset, NCT00433511-D2, contains toxicity data. Dataset NCT00433511-D1 contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT00433511-D4 contains updated time-to-event data that have undergone further data cleaning from those in NCT00433511-D1. Dataset NCT00433511-D5 contains data on time to local-regional recurrence and time to distant recurrence that were collected on the trial, but not published.
NCT00433511-D1 There are four submissions for PMID 30040523 (trial NCT00433511). This dataset, NCT00433511-D1, contains baseline, treatment, and efficacy data. Dataset NCT00433511-D2 contains toxicity data. Dataset NCT00433511-D4 contains updated time-to-event data that have undergone further data cleaning from those in NCT00433511-D1. Dataset NCT00433511-D5 contains data on time to local-regional recurrence and time to distant recurrence that were collected on the trial, but not published.