
Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00445601 (
Disease Type:
  • Urothelial Tract Neoplasm - Urothelial Tract/Bladder Cancer
Trial Title:
A Phase III Blinded Study of Immediate Post TURBT Instillation of Gemcitabine Versus Saline in Patients With Newly Diagnosed or Occasionally Recurring Grade I/II Superficial Bladder Cancer
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00445601-D2 This dataset will allow users to reproduce the toxicity results reported in the Journal of American Medical Association (Messing et al., JAMA, 2018, PMID referenced above) for trial NCT00445601.
NCT00445601-D1 This dataset will allow users to reproduce the patient-level efficacy results reported in the Journal of American Medical Association (Messing et al., JAMA, 2018, PMID referenced above) for trial NCT00445601.