
Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01041638 (
Disease Type:
  • CNS-excluded Nervous System Neoplasm and Disorder - Neuroblastoma
Trial Title:
A Comprehensive Safety Trial of Chimeric Antibody 14.18 (Ch14.18) With GM-CSF, IL-2 and Isotretinoin in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Patients Following Myeloablative Therapy
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01041638-D4 Each row represents the highest of grade one and two adverse events per patient, per reporting period. This dataset can be used with NCT01041638-D1 to create supplemental table 1.
NCT01041638-D3 There is one row for each patient enrolled on ANBL0931. These data can be used to reproduce pharmacokinetics analysis presented in the manuscript.
NCT01041638-D2 Each row represents one adverse event used in the manuscript. These data provide specific incidence of adverse events of interest.
NCT01041638-D1 The data and analysis for the results reported in Table 6 in the paper published was completed externally. Given the limited access to the original data, Table 6 subsequently has not been able to be replicated. There is one row for each patient enrolled on ANBL0931. The dataset provides the information necessary to reproduce patient baseline characteristics, disease outcome, and survival for patients on ANBL0931.