
Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01167712 (
Disease Type:
  • Reproductive System Neoplasm, Female - Ovarian Cancer (excluding Ovarian Germ Cell Cancer)
Trial Title:
A Phase III Trial of Every-3-Weeks Paclitaxel Versus Dose Dense Weekly Paclitaxel in Combination With Carboplatin With or Without Concurrent and Consolidation Bevacizumab (NSC #704865) in the Treatment of Primary Stage II, III or IV Epithelial Ovarian, Peritoneal or Fallopian Tube Cancer and ACRIN 6695: Perfusion CT Imaging to Evaluate Treatment Response in Patients Participating in GOG-0262
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01167712-D5 There are 5 data submissions associated with PMID 26933849. This dataset contains the reason(s) for treatment delay in trial NCT01167712.
NCT01167712-D4 There are 5 data submissions associated with PMID 26933849. This dataset contains treatments administered at each cycle from NCT01167712.
NCT01167712-D3 There are 5 data submissions associated with PMID 26933849. This dataset contains the maximum grade of adverse events experienced by subjects in NCT01167712.
NCT01167712-D2 There are 5 data submissions associated with PMID 26933849. This dataset contains quality of life (QoL) data from trial NCT01167712.
NCT01167712-D1 There are 5 data submissions associated with PMID 26933849. This dataset contains the treatment comparison between dose-dense versus weekly Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in trial NCT01167712.