
Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT00770809 (
Disease Type:
  • Breast Neoplasm - Breast Cancer (Invasive)
Trial Title:
Randomized Phase III Trial of Paclitaxel +Trastuzumab + Lapatinib Versus Paclitaxel + Trastuzumab as Neoadjuvant Treatment of HER2-Positive Primary Breast Cancer
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT00770809-D8 Dataset NCT00770809-D8-Dataset.csv (pts) is one of one datasets associated with PubMed ID 33095682. This dataset contains clinical data presented in the publication.
NCT00770809-D7 Dataset NCT00770809-D7-Dataset.csv (gene) is one of 7 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26527775. This dataset contains information for the gene expression and gene signature portion of the analysis.
NCT00770809-D6 Dataset NCT00770809-D6-Dataset.csv (aeclean) is one of 7 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26527775. This dataset contains information on all the adverse events reported during each cycle while on trial. Therefore, patients can report the same adverse event over multiple courses of treatment.
NCT00770809-D5 Dataset NCT00770809-D5-Dataset.csv (delay) is one of 7 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26527775. This dataset contains information on all the treatment delays reported for each of the three drugs.
NCT00770809-D4 Dataset NCT00770809-D4-Dataset.csv (fig3) is one of 7 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26527775. This dataset contains information for Figure 3. It includes information on receptor status, intrinsic subtype, and pathologic complete response.
NCT00770809-D3 Dataset NCT00770809-D3-Dataset.csv (table1) is one of 7 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26527775. This dataset contains information for the baseline characteristics table. It also includes the pathologic complete response status (pCR) for all patients included in the efficacy analysis. Both the pCR evaluated with breast-only and with axillary node criteria are included here.
NCT00770809-D2 Dataset NCT00770809-D2-Dataset.csv (consort_genetic) is one of 7 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26527775. This dataset contains information for the Genomic analysis section of the consort diagram (including the patients used in the pre-Rx and pre- v post- genomic analysis). This data set includes the n=295 patients evaluable for efficacy.
NCT00770809-D1 Dataset NCT00770809-D1-Dataset.csv (consort) is one of 7 datasets associated with PubMed ID 26527775. This dataset contains information for the treatment consort diagram and evaluability of patients for the efficacy analysis.