Clinical Trial Information
Trial Number: NCT00003088 (
Disease Type:
- Breast Neoplasm - Miscellaneous
Trial Title:
A Randomized Phase III Trial of Sequential Chemotherapy Using Doxorubicin, Paclitaxel, and Cyclophosphamide or Concurrent Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Paclitaxel at 14 or 21 Day Intervals in Women With Node Positive Stage II/IIIA Breast Cancer
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial
Title | Description |
NCT00003088-D10 | The NCT00003088_D10_(treated) dataset is one of 5 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset contains one record for treated patients only (N=1973). The dataset contains the primary and secondary endpoint survival data. Dataset NCT00003088-D5 and NCT00003088-D10 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D10 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D9 | The NCT00003088_D9_(toxicity) dataset is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset contains data used to evaluate major toxicities that occurred during protocol treatment. The dataset contains standard non-hematologic toxicity data for grades 0 to 5 for treated patients. Dataset NCT00003088-D4 and NCT00003088-D9 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D9 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D8 | The NCT00003088_D8_(dosered) dataset is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset contains data on dose reductions. Dataset NCT00003088-D3 and NCT00003088-D8 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D8 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D7 | The NCT00003088_D7_(comp_by_pt) dataset is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset contains data on complications during treatment by patient. Dataset NCT00003088-D2 and NCT00003088-D7 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D7 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D6 | The NCT00003088_D6_(comp_by_cyc) dataset is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset contains data on complications during treatment by cycle. Dataset NCT00003088-D1 and NCT00003088-D6 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D6 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D5 | As of 05/25/2018, NCT00003088-D5 is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset, NCT00003088-D5, contains one record for treated patients only (N=1973). This dataset also contains the primary and secondary endpoint survival data. NCT00003088-D5 and NCT00003088-D10 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D10 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D4 | As of 05/25/2018, NCT00003088-D4 is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset, NCT00003088-D4, contains data used to evaluate major toxicities that occurred during protocol treatment. This dataset also contains standard non-hematologic toxicity data for grades 0 to 5 for treated patients. NCT00003088-D4 and NCT00003088-D9 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D9 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D3 | As of 05/25/2018, NCT00003088-D3 is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset, NCT00003088-D3, contains data on dose reductions. NCT00003088-D3 and NCT00003088-D8 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D8 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D2 | As of 05/25/2018, NCT00003088-D2 is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset, NCT00003088-D2, contains data on complications during treatment by patient. NCT00003088-D2 and NCT00003088-D7 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D7 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
NCT00003088-D1 | As of 05/25/2018, NCT00003088-D1 is one of 10 datasets associated with PubMed ID 12668651. This dataset, NCT00003088-D1, contains data on complications during treatment by cycle. NCT00003088-D1 and NCT00003088-D6 each contain the same clinical data. NCT00003088-D6 also contains a patient reference (patid) that can be tied to patient information submitted to NCTN Navigator submissions. |
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