
Clinical Trial Information

Trial Number: NCT01150045 (
Disease Type:
  • Gastrointestinal Neoplasm - Colorectal Cancer
Trial Title:
A Phase III Trial of 6 Versus 12 Treatments of Adjuvant FOLFOX Plus Celecoxib or Placebo for Patients with Resected Stage III Colon Cancer
Study ID:
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Datasets Linked to Trial

Title Description
NCT01150045-D4 Dataset NCT01150045-D4-Dataset.csv (Table2) is one of 4 datasets associated with PubMed ID 33821899. This dataset contains the data presented in the adverse events table (Table 2). The data is one row- per-patient for each treatment phase. The first treatment phase is while FOLFOX is given with Celecoxib or Placebo. The second treatment phase is after completing/ending FOLFOX therapy and continuing with Celecoxib or Placebo. The maximum grade variables are all possibly, probably or definitely related to treatment.
NCT01150045-D3 Dataset NCT01150045-D3-Dataset.csv (Table1) is one of 4 datasets associated with PubMed ID 33821899. This dataset contains the data presented in the baseline characteristics table (Table 1), the Kaplan-Meier figures (Figure 3a/b), the Patient Outcome analysis, determine the patients that experienced at least one grade 1 or greater adverse event possibly related to treatment, and the Treatment Adherence analysis.
NCT01150045-D2 Dataset NCT01150045-D2-Dataset.csv (Figure2) is one of 4 datasets associated with PubMed ID 33821899. This dataset contains the data presented in Figure 2 of the analysis. The dataset contains one row for each patient. There is a variable for off-treatment reason for grouping patients into different segments/colors of the bar chart in the figure, and a time variable for binning patients into the bar chart on the x-axis.
NCT01150045-D1 Dataset NCT01150045-D1-Dataset.csv (Figure1) is one of 4 datasets associated with PubMed ID 33821899. This dataset contains the data presented in the CONSORT diagram (Figure 1) from the manuscript. The dataset has one row-per-patient.